Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Derivation of the new energy equation from the so-called relativistic equation:
e = mc²

m = t³/s³

c = s/t

e = (t/s)³ * (s/t)²

e = s/t

Monday, February 19, 2007

The definition of time

Time and space are the most fundamental components of the physical universe; neither of these two entities, however, is capable of existence independently of the other. There are two fundamental ways in which these two components interrelate. The first is motion defined as space divided by time: v=s/t (by v we mean one-dimensional speed whose direction is undefined, i.e., v is not velocity, which is directed speed). The other way in which space and time can interrelate is energy, defined as inverse speed or time divided by space: t/s. Energy is therefore the potential to cause motion. The concept of “potential energy” is a redundancy, since energy is always potential, one could even call it “stored motion.” The concept of “kinetic energy” is self-contradictory; there is no such thing as kinetic energy, since there can be kinesis (motion) or there can be energy (potential for motion), but the two are distinct, actually opposite phenomena. There is either motion or potential for motion. The potential for motion, which is energy, can be converted into motion and vice versa; energy and motion are complementary.

The equation e=t/s yields a definition of time and space, as does the equation v=s/t. Based on the energy equation, time is energy per unit space: t=e/s. Note, however, that space as it enters the equation is one-dimensional, and is more properly referred to as distance, as distinct from two dimensional space, or area and three-dimensional space in the usual sense of the word.

Thus we define time as energy per unit of distance (t=e/s). This means that the time required for a certain activity to occur (e.g., the time it takes a postal pigeon to arrive at its destination from its home base) depends on the amount energy it expends per unit of distance. The more energy (calories) the pigeon expends per unit of distance (kilometer), the less time it takes to for it to arrive at its destination. By expending more calories per unit of distance, the pigeon arrives at its destination sooner. The less energy is applied, the longer it takes to cover a certain distance.

Applying the same equation to one-dimensional space, or distance, we define distance as time per unit of energy (s= t/e). This means that the distance the pigeon will cover can be calculated if we know how fast he is consuming the available energy. The more time it takes him to consume a given unit of energy (a calorie), the farther he is able to fly.

In terms of the equation of motion, we define time as distance per unit of speed (t=s/v). This means that given a certain speed we can measure time by referring to the distance travelled. This is the principle on which a clock works: we measure time by referring to the distance travelled by the hands of the clock. Or in our pigeon example, the time required for the pigeon to reach his destination is directly related to the distance and inversely related to the speed.

Conversely we define distance as speed per unit of time (s=v/t), meaning that within a fixed period of time, we can measure the distance travelled by referring to the speed.

Our definition of time in terms of energy is also comprehensible: the amount of energy or potential motion encompassed in a given distance. But how can energy be encompassed in distance? Since all energy is potential motion, we can use as an example gravitation, where the further a body is removed from the surface of the earth, the greater its energy (potential motion). The energy increase per unit of distance is manifested as time.